Namor is Marvel’s first superhero. The character’s first appearance to a general audience was in Marvel Comics No. 1. He is also the first anti-hero in comics, thanks to his constant skirmishes with the “surface dwellers” humans. He was also involved in the first ever fight between superheroes in any medium, taking on the Human Torch. By the way, the current article/puzzle title “NAMOR SEES ROMAN” is a palindrome. Isn’t it Marvel? (A palindrome is a word, number, phrase, or sentence which reads the same backward as forward.)
Once there is a minor clash between the Atlantis and the Roman Empire. At that time the Roman Empire invites Namor to visit Rome for a puzzle challenge else there will be a war. If he solves the puzzle, the clash will end in a stalemate: Namor has to agree to leave Rome and the Roman has to drop their pursuit to conquest Atlantis. Namor agrees for a puzzle challenge and visits Rome.
At Rome, he is asked to create all characters from ‘A’ to ‘Z’ by using a line, a square, a circle and a triangle which are shown below. There is a catch that he can use any geometric shape one time only. Can you help Namor to avoid the war?
